Frequently asked questions and answers about myARI

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Is myARI also available as a mobile app?
Currently myARI is not available as a mobile app, but it can be opened in mobile browsers.
In which languages is myARI available?
myARI is available in German and English. More languages will follow.
Is myARI available at all times?
Yes, myARI is always available.
Can I use myARI to place an order?
If you would like to place an order, please contact the office staff. You will find the relevant contact data in myARI, in the navigation under "Contacts". In myARI, you will find information on your orders under "Orders".
Do I have to register to use myARI?
The use oft he spare parts feature is possible without registration. For all other functions you will have to register.
Which web-browsers support myARI?
myARI is supported by all common browsers. Make sure that you use the latest version. Internet Explorer does not support myARI.
Will my data be stored and used by ARI?
ARI processes the data required for registration and use of myARI. Data processing can be controlled via the cookie settings. Further information on data protection and terms of use can be found here:
What requirements do I have to fulfill for registration?
The registration is available to entrepreneurs, merchants and legal entities law who have a business relationship with ARI. To access your customer-specific information you need a customer number. You are welcome to request this from ARI if you do not know it.
Do I have to use a business E-Mail to sign up?
Yes, you must register with a business E-Mail to sign up.
How do I register with myARI?
You can register in myARI via the following link. You will be guided through the process step by step.
What do I have to do if I forgot my password?
If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot password" button on the login page and enter the E-Mail address you registered with. We will send you your new password via E-Mail. You can also use the following link.
What services does myARI offer?
On myARI you will find your valve sizing program, myValve, the spare parts feature, your documents and information on orders and returns, as well as your contact person. The customer data and an overview of all available functions is also displayed on the myARI page and can be changed depending on the country.
Do I also have offline access to my documents?
For offline access to your documents, you can download them via myARI.
Where can I find the CAD data?
You can find all CAD files, as well as the data sheets under the following link on our homepage. Alternatively, they are also available in myValve after a calculation and selection of a valve.
How do I get the CAD-data for a calculated valve?
After you have designed a product in myValve, select the valve from the results list, then you should be able to access the corresponding CAD data sheet. For a control valve, it is also necessary to select an actuator before you can access the CAD data.
Which documents are managed on myARI?
You can access your order and return documents as well as relevant documents for our products such as data sheets.
Who are my contacts for questions about myARI?
If you have any questions about myARI, get in contact with us by mail.
Who are my contacts for questions about ARI products and orders?
For questions about ARI products and orders, you can find your contact persons in the navigation bar under "Contacts". You can also use the contact form on our homepage.
How do I contact the customer support?
Our customer service can be reached by telephone or e-mail. You can find your contact person in the navigation bar under "Contacts" or contact ARI using the contact form on our homepage.
In which languages is the customer service available?
Our customer support speaks German and English.

Do you have questions or do you need individual consultation?

0049 5207 994-0

Availability: Monday to Friday, 07:30 to 17:00 (CET)